Enjoy These Creative Games At A Trampoline Park

If you have energetic children and you're looking for a fun activity for them, consider making a trip to a local indoor trampoline park. You can visit this attraction year-round, but it may be especially appealing during the winter months when there are fewer outdoor activities for your kids to enjoy. Your children will have lots of fun bouncing on the various trampolines, but you should encourage them to try some of the other creative games, too. Trampoline centers commonly have a wide range of attractions for their guests, including these fun options.


Jousting is a popular game at many indoor trampoline centers, and it pits one participant against another in a friendly competition. Typically, each player holds a large, foam-covered jousting stick and climbs onto a platform that rises above a foam pit. When the staff member signals the start of the competition, the two participants use their jousting sticks in an attempt to knock each other off their platform. The winner is the participant who remains on their platform as the other tumbles softly into the foam below. Kids of all ages will enjoy participating in this game and watching their friends in action.


Many children are familiar with the game of dodgeball, perhaps having played it in gym class at school. Lots of trampoline centers offer a fun twist on this classic game by having it in a space that is filled with trampolines. Instead of just being able to run side to side to evade approaching balls, players will be able to jump high in the air as balls sail beneath their feet. The presence of the trampolines can add a whole new dimension to this game, which you can expect that your kids will want to repeatedly play.


Foam pits are a fixture at indoor trampoline centers, and while it's fun for kids to run and jump into these pits, there are other options that are available. At some centers, you'll find rope swings that hang above the foam pits. Children will have fun getting on a swing, moving back and forth several times, and then jumping off and falling into the foam below. You can expect that your children will have fun competing with other kids at the center to see how high they can get before jumping off their swings, and perhaps attempting different moves in their air before they land. Contact your local indoor trampoline center to learn about its assortment of games.

For more information, reach out to a company such as Exhilarate.
